
9 glorious Sunflowers – guaranteed to add a little bit of sunshine to brighten their day! Gorgeous and cheerful, sunflowers are always a delight to receive.

Deluxe Sunflowers

Deluxe Sunflower bouquet hand-tied with 12 sunflowers and complimenting solidago, as well as seasonal foliage. It is finished with decorate wrap and fabic ribbon.

Simply Sunflowers

Keep it simple this summer with a stunning bouquet of nine Sunflowers. These beautiful blooms are sure to deliver a dose of sunshine to someone special.


Beautifully presented hand-tied arrangement featuring striking large headed yellow roses, santini chrysanthemums, ammi, eucalyptus, cheerful sunflowers, germini and Limonium.

Splendor Bouquet

A gorgeous bouquet of sunflowers and complimenting seasonal blooms that include roses, lilies, gerbera daisies in cheerful autumn colours. Accented by fresh foliage this arrangement will provide a ray of…

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Theirworld Bouquet

A Sunburst of Vibrant Colours The Theirworld Bouquet by Clare Florist will bring sunshine to any setting. A colourful mix of germinis, chrysanthemums, lilies, sunflowers & soli, this beautiful and…

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Sunny Smiles

A Blooming Beautiful bouquet with the attributes of Sunny Days; The exquisite Sunny Smiles bouquet – designed by our expert florists , is a stunning vibrant bouquet comprising of bright…

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Summer Sunshine

Erupting with summer blooms The Summer Sunshine is a spectacular summer bouquet, packed full of seasonal flowers that exude warmth, joy and cheer! With eye-catching reds and summery yellows, this…

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Summer Bouquet

The aptly named Summer Bouquet features an exuberant array of fresh seasonal stems including chrysanthemums, carnations, sunflowers and germini. The finished result is an instant mood-elevator and would be a…

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Springtime Daze

The Joy of Outside, Inside The Springtime Daze bouquet is a fitting arrangement to bring those lovely smells of the blooming seasonal flowers inside. With crisp blue freesia, Sunflowers, roses…

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