Pink Blush

A beautiful collection of Spray Carnations in shades of pink accompanied by Alstroemeria and delicately complemented by Gypsophila. The perfect bouquet to brighten up the home of a loved one!


A beautiful collection of pink Spray Carnations and Alstroemeria with white Gypsophila. Our letterbox flower gifts are delivered in specially designed letterbox friendly packaging and protected by fully compostable brown…

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Loving Embrace

This bouquet is as sweet and reassuring as a love hug, and it warms the heart of anybody who receives it. Intricate arrangement of yellow carnations, scarlet roses, and delicate…

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Plum Pudding

Violet Avalanche roses and burgundy carnations entice us to rest on a calm sea of lisianthus shaded by fascinating violet stock flowers and small pitto leaves.

Sweet Serenity

A tranquil white haze of rolling hills and majestic grandeur that grabs the mind and enthrals the senses. This lovely white arrangement of alstroemeria, white carnations, solidago, and craspedia will…

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Velvet Cloud

Take a moonlit stroll along twilit alleys as the starlight dances over velvet Stocks, Carnations, Asters, and Lilac rose petals.

Perfect Pinks

Pink ruffled Carnations in blushing colours offer a calm display of simple beauty. In a vase, a floral embrace.

Cream Tea

Take three pink Antirrhinums, Chrysanthemums, and Carnations, a bunch of beautiful white Lisianthus, and a liberal pinch of white Hypericum berries; add a sprinkling of affection and aroma. And presto!

Scarlett Pimpernel

Oh my God! Rouge Roses… scented Lily… radiant pink Carnations… overwhelming romantic appeal… no question, mon ami! This is Scarlett Pimpernel’s work……