Letterbox Classic Carnations

This long-lasting and excellent value bouquet includes 17 stems fancy carnation blooms with complimenting gypsophila and ruscus foliage.

Red Carnations

Simply elegant – Fabulous Red Carnations; Brighten the day up with a dozen of these fabulous red carnations. These simple, classic flowers will bring a touch of elegance to any…

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Pink Carnations

Brighten the day up with fabulous Pink Carnations Representative of love, fascination and distinction, a bouquet of pink carnations will make for a truly magical gift to bestow upon someone…

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Yellow Carnations

Brighten the day up with fabulous Yellow Carnations With its pretty yellow petals, this bouquet of yellow carnations will create an alluring and much admired focal point wherever it is…

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Orange Carnations

Brighten the day up with fabulous Orange Carnations An eye-catching arrangement of orange carnations, this sublime bouquet will hold pride of place on any mantelpiece, windowsill or side table. Orange…

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White Carnations

Brighten the day up with fabulous White Carnations Breathtakingly pretty, this bouquet of  white carnations will make for a gift your special someone is sure to cherish. These simple classic…

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Mixed Carnations

Brighten the day up with fabulous Mixed Carnations These simple classic flowers will bring a touch of elegance to any setting for the amazing price of £19.99. These Mixed Carnations…

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Summer Spritz

A glorious selection of summer colours to bring joy to a loved one. Fragrant stocks and arranged with gerberas, sweet william, tanacetum, spray carnations and seasonal foliage.