The Banquet


Goto Florist


This hamper is one of our most beautiful, most traditional options. Fit to burst with some truly tantalising foods, sweet and savoury, with alcoholic and soft drinks so there really is something for everyone. Not to mention the large Jawit storage basket complete with handles, which is perfect for storage once the contents have been devoured. This hamper contains 22 items; Merlot Carmenère Pico a Pico Valle Central Chile 75cl 12.5% vol Sauvignon Blanc Pico a Pico Valle Central Chile 75cl 13% vol Prosecco R&R Robert & Reeves Italy 75cl 11% vol Story White Grape & Elderflower Sparkling Fruit Presse 75cl Brodies Breakfast Tea 20 Bags 40g Cambrook Brilliantly Baked Sweet Chilli Peanuts & Cashews 80g Claire's Handmade Cherry Berry Jam 227g Cole's Sticky Toffee Steamed Pudding 260g Dean's Extra Mature Cheddar Cheese With Chilli Bites 90g Edinburgh Tea & Coffee Company Medium Roast Coffee in Kraft Bag with Red Label 113g Farrah's of Harrogate Cherry & Nut Nougat Bar 130g Gold Crown Cherry & Almond Slab Cake 400g Grandma Wild's Strawberry & Cream Viennese 150g Linden Lady 8 Dark, White & Milk Decorated Chocolates 100g Linden Lady Decorated Chocolate Covered Marshmallows 140g Manomasa Tomatillo Salsa Tortillas 160g nibnibs Classic Grissini Breadsticks 125g Olives Et Al Moorish Cumin & Coriander Olives 150g Otter Vale Tomato Chutney 225g Peter's Yard Sourdough Crispbread Spelt & Fig in Box 100g Popcorn Shed Berry-licious Popcorn 80g Williams Handbaked Milk Chocolate Oat Biscuits 310g Delivered in Jawit storage basket with wooden handles.