Love 20 Red Roses


Goto Florist


Say it Straight from the Heart with 20 Red Roses The worldwide personification of Love, red roses! A favourite with every lady. Show that special person how much you love them – send this spectacular bouquet of 20 premium Red Roses, complemented with lush green aspidistra leaves which really make the roses stand out. Red roses carry connotations of passion and strong romantic feelings, making them perfect for gifting to your significant other or a crush. If you’ve an anniversary or birthday coming up and you’re looking for an extra romantic gift, you really can’t go wrong with the Love 20 Red Roses bouquet. If you’re looking for a spectacular way to demonstrate your undying devotion to your significant other, you needn’t look much further than the Love 20 Red Roses bouquet. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £40.00! 20 Beautiful Red Roses upon Lush Greenery Arranged and hand tied by our expert florists with 40 years experience. Fresh Flowers delivered directly to your door, anywhere in the UK 7 Day Freshness Guarantee – Flowers delivered in bud to ensure freshness and longevity Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card or a delicious box of Lindt Chocolates, a chic glass vase or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied Love 20 Red Roses bouquet. You may also be interested in… We also have a similar arrangement of 12 Red Roses, a simple and elegant Single Red Rose and the exceptional Promised Roses . You may also be interested in our wider range of Romantic Roses and Valentines Day Bouquets.