Amber Lilies


Goto Florist


Autumnal Soft Tones The Amber Lilies Bouquet is a hand-arranged bouquet of the finest orange lilies by one of our expert florists. This arrangement of orange lilies, a perfect seasonal addition to our fall collection, allows you to bring the beauty of nature into your house. This fresh and fragrant bouquet of orange lilies would make an excellent present for any special occasion. The presence of this eye-catching arrangement with its enticing perfume will instantly improve any room.

Your Amber Lilies can be sent within the UK 7 days a week, and next working day delivery is free. We wrap the stems in nutrient-rich hydroponic gel before placing your flower bouquet in it. This guarantees that your flowers arrive in perfect condition. Orange flowers mixed with greenery.  Our skilled florists with 40 years of expertise arranged and hand tied the bouquet. Floral feeding and flower care instructions are included. Fresh flowers delivered to your home anywhere in the UK Flowers are supplied in bud to ensure freshness and endurance for 7 days.