Thank You Basket


Goto Florist


Thank you goes a long way, and the lucky recipient of the Thank You Basket is sure to appreciate this thoughtful gift.Packed full of treats to enjoy with a cup of tea and beautifully wrapped in printed 'Thank you' ribbon. This hamper contains 7 items: Ahmad Tea English Tea No 1 10 Teabags 20g Ooh! Chocolata Very Honeycomb Milk Chocolate Bar 50g Gold Crown Mini Chocolate Cake Radfords Handmade West Country Crumbly Butter Fudge 113g Reids Honey & Oatmeal Oat Crumbles 150g Sugar n Spice Luxurious Fruity Flapjack Bar 70g Joe & Seph's Orange, Pecan & Cinnamon Popcorn Bar 27g Delivered in a black kraft tray tied with thank you ribbon.